Using Soft, Conscious Visualization To Heal

Soft, or conscious, visualization is one of the most effective healing techniques around. Here’s how it is different from what I call hard visualization, and how you can use it to heal.

Many people have heard of and used visualization to accomplish a variety of things such as achieving athletic feats or growing businesses, and one thing they use visualization to attain is improved health.

The type of visualization I see people doing most of the time is what I call hard visualization. In using hard visualization, a person imagines an outcome, often in detail, and in this way sets himself or herself up psychologically or energetically to make the outcome manifest, almost forcing it to happen.

There are, however, significant problems with hard visualization.

It’s not that hard visualization does not work. It may work. At the same time, even if hard visualization does in a way work, it may not generate optimal results.

Here’s why.

Hard visualization may propel an outcome and at the same time it does not really address issues impeding the manifestation of that outcome, and hard visualization does not itself do anything to restructure one’s life overall so that that outcome fits in nicely.

In other words, the use of hard visualization can be a way to seek to basically ram an outcome through, and among other things one using this method can break other things in the process.

For instance, a person might use hard visualization to get more money. Sure enough, the person may end up with a bunch of money, only to experience new problems. What would have happened is that rather than addressing issues that were causing problems in the person’s life, the person just rammed through the more money outcome. So while the person now has more money, for what that’s worth, the person has not really solved things.

So a better method is needed.

The better method is soft or conscious visualization.

The idea of soft visualization is to use visualization to find, or become conscious of, the not so obvious obstacles to the manifestation of a desire, and to gently resolve things so that the desire manifests, and does so without blasting the rest of one’s life to pieces.

Here’s how you do it.

You visualize an outcome, and, rather than seeking to force it to happen, as you visualize the outcome you consider what you think of and how you really feel about that outcome. The purpose of this is to find what psychospiritual obstacles to that outcome you may be harboring. Then to get the outcome to manifest, you somehow resolve the issues blocking that’s happening and gently change things so that that outcome, or possibly a better outcome related to it, fits you and your life.

So for instance, a person having health issues would visualize being healthier, and see what comes up. Something will come up, and that will be a clue to why the person is sick and will be an issue to resolve to heal.

For instance a person visualizing being healthier may suddenly feel very angry about something. So that anger is related to the health problem, and to heal the person needs to do something about that anger and issues related to the anger, rather than repressing it all by being sick.

In other words, the person was angry, and instead of healing the situation, the person got sick. So now, even just by visualizing being healthier, the person essentially goes back to being angry and healthier. Now, being more aware of how these things work, the person somehow does something about the anger and heals the situation and then no longer has that whole thing underlying disease.

Alternatively, when visualizing being healthier the person could feel afraid, or sad.

Thoughts could also come up. Maybe when visualizing health, the person will think something like “That would be boring” or “But then I would have to go back to the job I hated” or “I am learning so much by being sick”. So here again the soft visualization has brought up factors or issues that are keeping the person sick and that are blocking progress toward better health. In order to get healthier, the person has to resolve these conflicts somehow, work things out within. For instance, now that the job thing has come up, the person could consider what it’s all about and maybe consider a career change. If the person thinks health is boring, he or she could consider why that might be and do something about that idea, resolve the inner conflict somehow.

So soft visualization can be used to bring up the hidden, less conscious stuff that is making and keeping a person sick, so that the person can do something about that stuff and heal.

I use this method constantly, to heal myself and others, and it works super well.

Someone Always Talking “Incurable”, And It’s Never Really True.

Ok. I can see it with so called ALS, a health problem I have been working on a lot lately. While a person so called diagnosed with ALS can solve the problem and heal, I can see why someone might get, or fall for, the incorrect idea that it’s incurable with any currently available method. For one thing, the mainstream organizations involved with so called ALS say this incurable thing constantly. For another, solving it can take a fair amount of knowledge and work.

The same could possibly be said for other problems, such as those called multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. While all are solvable, a huge proportion of people believe otherwise, and solving them can be challenging. So I can see why someone would fall for the incurable story there too.

Check this out though.

I had been bitten by a tick or something and so I started reading up on so called Lyme disease, and guess what. There it was again. While some were talking about what they had done to solve health problems so called diagnosed as Lyme disease, there was someone going on and on about how it’s “incurable”. Huh? This is just little old Lyme disease we are talking about, and while I realize some people so called diagnosed with Lyme disease experience chronic health problems, many do succeed in solving the problem and never again have Lyme disease related health issues. All the same, someone was maintaining that it’s “incurable”.

Same thing with diabetes. On a diabetes related discussion board and other places, I saw some were talking about what they were doing to solve the problem, both types, while one or two people were insisting nothing could be done. What?? Nothing to be done about diabetes even? Even the mainstream news has stories about people doing things about diabetes. Still somehow someone shows up saying otherwise.

I bet for every health problem, right alongside people talking about how to solve it one can find people who insist that can’t be done.

Why do people do this, even when information indicating the contrary is right there in front of them?

For a variety of reasons, such as these.

Some shy away from the idea that they are somehow responsible for the health problems they are experiencing. Others are addicted to their or someone else’s being sick and are terrified to think that they could heal. Others seem to enjoy playing expert by repeating what they have read somewhere or been told. Some who do medical research basically get paid to look for cures for the incurable and would much rather believe and promote the “currently incurable” point of view. Others seem to like the drama of the whole incurable thing, and there are plenty of other reasons people talk this nonsense.

Meanwhile, in close to twenty years of being involved in solving disease problems, I have never ever seen one that is not solvable. I have seen people solve cancer, autoimmune issues, allergies, infection types of problems, neurological problems, digestive problems, learning issues, all kinds of supposedly incurable stuff, and other problems that one supposedly one cannot solve just by changing diet or working holistically somehow. Even in the cases of health problems I have not yet seen solved, as soon as I look into them, I start finding clues to what to do about them.

So if, or when, you hear a story about something being “incurable”, don’t fall for it, and if you are being affected by some supposedly incurable health problem, do what I have seen many do successfully. Assume there is a way, or are ways, to solve the problem and start looking for them. Look into one thing after another. Look for people who say they have solved similar problems and find out what they did. Look and look and work and work until you too have figured out how to heal and once again demonstrated that where there is a will there is a way.

Sick of worrying about gluten? See through the celiac myth and heal yourself instead.

Wow it has taken over. Everywhere they have gluten free this and gluten free that, with people spending time and big bucks to eat the restricted diet they think are genetically programmed to need for life.

While I guess it’s nice the people have found at least a partial solution, the dark side of all this is it’s based on bad information, this idea that there is this thing called celiac disease that is somehow caused by genes and that we need to find a cure for. That’s just wrong and it’s time people woke up and realized it.

Here’s what’s really going on.

For a host of reasons, ranging from the way food is created these days to certain aspects of psychology, to the stressful ways people live today, people are having this difficulty, these autoimmune issues, called celiac disease. It’s not genetic. It’s not incurable. It’s the logical consequence of things we have done to the planet and are doing to ourselves.

I’ve seen it. I’ve seen the stress, the pressure, the issues with the food supply. I’ve seen the connections, the real underlying reasons for this celiac thing and anyone can figure this out for themselves.

Here’s what you can do.

If you or someone you know has been so called diagnosed with this so called disease, rather than assuming it’s a genes thing, a random thing, an incurable thing, look at it in a different way. Look for things like stress, emotional issues, repressed anger, eating non organic, gmo food, other possible diet issues, unconsciously harbored conflicts, and other things that would add up to health problems. You can be sure you will find them, because without them there would be no gluten intolerance issues, no autoimmune stuff going on, no celiac disease.

For one thing, another way to look at autoimmune is attacking self, self hatred, emotions that have nowhere to go or internal freaking out, and that’s much of what is going on with this celiac thing.

Then as you find factors and patterns, you can make changes and solve this so called celiac, this health issue, like a puzzle, and you can be sure that as the puzzle gets solved you or the person you know will get heathly, simple as that.

On top of that, I tell you what, if a person is stressed and repressed and otherwise has unhealthy stuff going on to such a degree that this thing called celiac disease is going on, that person better do the puzzle solving, because while a gluten free diet may mostly solve the observed problems, all that unhealthy stuff going on can and will underlie other problems too, which is why so called celiac disease is associated with such things as liver issues, diabetes and skin problems.

So that’s the deal with this thing called celiac disease. Totally solvable. So go ahead and do it.

Seven Simple Steps To Take To Begin To Solve ALS And Heal

Many people diagnosed with so called als, or motor neuron disease, get the impression that there is not much they can do about it other than hope someone somewhere finds a medical cure or treatment. That impression is utterly incorrect. The cascading neurodegeneration generally called als is just poor nerve health and is always caused by things that can be changed.

While it can take some learning and work for a person diagnosed with als to get healthier, logic dictates that if you do things to improve your health, your health will be better than it would have been. Do a little, and your health will be a little better. Do a lot, and your health will be much better.

I have seen this in case after the case, with people who do anything to make their lives healthier generally seeing some kind of results.

Knowledge is power and is also the cure for als. So here are some steps a person diagnosed with als can take to start to change what is going on and heal.

1. Reduce triggers.

The neurodegeneration aspect of als can in a way be seen as a trigger response cycle, meaning that something triggers neurons’ freaking out and nerves’ degenerating. What this means is that one thing you can do to get that to happen way less or basically not at all is reduce the triggers.

Things that trigger neuron freak out include pesticides, heavy metals, often from mercury amalgam tooth fillings, lawn chemicals, chemicals in detergent and household cleaners, chemicals in shampoo, chemicals in body wash and deodorant, vaccines, sugar, chemicals in processed meats, monosodium glutamate or msg, artificial flavors and colors in food, paint fumes, spinal anesthesia, certain medications and myriad other things. Basically anything that you suspect may be hard on your system in some way is likely to somehow get your neurons to freak out.

So reducing triggers means reducing your exposure to or ingestion of these things, by having metal fillings replaced, one or two at a time maybe, with ceramic ones, by eating organically or no spray raised food, by using soaps and detergents that are made with natural ingredients or have no dyes or fragrances added, by refraining from using body washes and minimizing or refraining from the use of deodorant, and basically by using some common sense, and maybe some advice from people at your local natural market, to significantly change how you have been living.

2. Learn to keep your internal cool and be fearless.

Much of what drives nerves to break down is emotional stress and fear. So learning to keep your emotional cool can do much to solve als and keep you healthy.

This is not just about keeping your cool externally either. You need to learn to really keep your cool internally. A calm person has calm nerves and calm nerves will tend to be healthy nerves.

One way to learn to do this is by learning about and practicing mindfulness meditation, through which one can achieve many things including reducing nerve damaging inflammation. You can learn all about mindfulness meditation and its effects by doing an internet search. You may also be able to find people locally who can help you learn how to do it.

3. Learn about people who are succeeding In solving health problems diagnosed as als.

There is much misinformation about this type of health problem and much of it centers on the idea that it is somehow unsolvable with current knowledge. While this is utterly incorrect and you may be aware that it is incorrect, you, and others around you, are being bombarded with misinformation, and that can affect your conscious or unconscious outlook.

So by reading about or watching videos about or talking with people who are solving the problem, you can make sure you are getting the right messages, not to mention ideas on what to do to solve the problem and heal.

Once way you can find information on people who are solving als is by clicking here to get to an ALS Solved Stories blog post.

4. Get some rest and fresh air.

Much of what underlies neurodegeneration involves stress and strain and overwork. It is amazing how many people I talk with who are diagnosed with als and are still running around like chickens with their heads cut off, working non stop, endlessly running errands, even having their houses redone.

I tell you what, I have also talked with plenty who say how much better and more energetic they feel after a good night’s sleep.

So chill out, take a deep breath, take some time to smell the flowers and don’t be so worried about having a great dinner menu and a new floor when your relatives come for the weekend.

5. Learn to be patient and non judgmental.

Want to be sick? Here’s a sure way. Stress over everything, get worked up all the time, be impatient and judgmental, and freak out over things people do.

Guess what. People who are judgmental about what others do are also judgmental when it comes to themselves, and this can even be exacerbated by the difficulties related to nerve health problems. This is turn can make the nerve health problems even worse.

Want to be healthy? Chill out and be accepting, calm and patient.

6. Improve your diet.

You know all that stuff you kinda realize is not so good for you, things like diet soda, orange corn and cheese snacks, fast food, cheap sugary candy, bacon, energy drinks, that fourth cup of coffee, sugary cereal and things like that? Well you’re right. It’s not.

So if you are eating that stuff, it’s time to change by substituting it with healthier things like clean water, organic apple slices, bananas, juice, tree nuts, healthier meals, olive oil and other things which you kinda realize are much better for you.

I realize you may have heard that people so called diagnosed with als are better off eating a high calorie diet. Fine. That does not have to be an unhealthy Oreos, bacon and ice cream diet. Nuts have plenty of calories and actually have other benefits for nerves. Fruit, including avocados, and other foods can have many calories and be packed with nutrition. So you can easily go for both high calorie and healthy.

7. Communicate and resolve issues.

I sometimes call als the disease of disconnection and escape. Even Lou Gehrig was known to give his wife the silent treatment and refuse to communicate for long periods of time.

Of course, doing this kind of thing can actually make things more stressful, and that in turn is bad for nerve health.

Also, unresolved issues can be sources of stress and other problems.

So, key to being healthy is communicating and resolving issues, with people around you, with people who are working with you to help you heal, with relatives, friends, neighbors, you name it.

Communicate and resolve.

So there’s a list to start with, and by doing these things and by learning and doing other healing things, you can heal yourself and your life.

A Stark Choice – “Eat Healthy” or Be Sick

Recently I was talking with someone about what I eat and she said, “It sounds like you eat really healthy.” I hear this type of thing often and finally it dawned on me how bizarre the whole thing is.

I mean how else would I eat? Really sick?

I guess for many the answer to that question is yes, and that’s kinda amazing.

For one thing, while people often say that health harming foods are rather tempting, is that really true? What is so great about a fast food burger? or some cheapo, chemical filled cake type of thing? Sausage? I don’t particularly miss it. Hot dogs? Not so great, and anyway there are vegan versions. Artificially flavored popcorn, processed snack foods, sugary cereals, none of them are indispensable. Even steak or higher quality not so healthy foods are not sooooo great that I just have to have them.

So basically people who are not eating healthy food are for the most part trading their health for second rate experiences, a trade that does not sound worthwhile at all.

Maybe part of what is going on is that there is a disconnect in the minds of people who do this. Maybe they don’t realize that they will get sick.

So here it is clear as can be. If you eat foods that don’t work well with your system, you system will not work well, or not as well as it would otherwise. You will feel the effects. You will be less healthy than you would be. Do it enough and you will get super sick.

That getting super sick happens all the time, and then people who eat sick, let’s call it what it is, go running to get medical help or even go looking for a “cure”. They don’t really need medicine or a cure. They don’t need fundraising or awareness or more research. They need to wise up.

There is a reason why health food stores are called health food stores. The funny part is that the implication is that the other stores are sick food stores, and the truth of the matter is that to a large degree they are. So don’t be surprised if you get sick eating what they offer.

If you want to be healthy, you have to apply logic. To be healthy, eat healthy.

Sick? Face the fact that something is wrong with your ideas and ways.

Recently I was talking with someone who had been looking to reduce her weight for years. When I disagreed with something she said about how it works, she assured me that I have it wrong and she knows what she is doing.

The fact of the matter is that I have no trouble maintaining my weight right where it was when I was in high school. D’ya think it might be that I am onto something? On the other hand, if she has it all right, how come it’s not working for her?

I see this all the time, people who are having health problems and at the same time are convinced they know all about health.

A person experiencing cancer reacts to discussion of diet by saying he already has a good diet. A woman having trouble with cataracts says it has nothing to do with her way of living. A guy experiencing neurodegenerative disease totally freaks out when someone suggests he can solve it himself.

Here’s the deal. Whether it’s called or somehow blamed on cancer, Alzheimer’s, als, ms, psychosis, alcoholism, Parkinson’s, autoimmune, influenza, aids, poverty or anything else, disease happens because of things people do, things they choose, and the things they do or choose are based on their ideas.

So, as much as a person may feel that his or her ideas are right, as much as he or she feels that she is educated, competent, on the ball and doing all the right things healthwise, logic dictates otherwise. If you are sick, you have to consider the possibility, even face the fact, that something about your cherished ideas, something about your carefully or not so carefully chosen ways, is flawed and hurting you.

The key to getting healthier? Your ideas and ways have to change.

I see this type of thing all the time, and have been fooled by it myself.

Someone who is having major health problems will tell me about what is being done to solve them, “Well we are using acupuncture to strengthen my immune system.” or “Once this protocol kills off the Lyme disease, then my neurodegenerative problems will be solved.” or “I have been going to Mexico for stem cell treatment and I am already feeling stronger.”

So everyone, including me sometimes, is all optimistic. Then six months, a year, or whatever time later, the person is way sicker. Somehow, as cool as the methods being used may sound, they are not working.

What is it that goes wrong time after time?

The problem is that these people’s strategies for healing are missing or are light on one key thing. That thing is changing their ideas and ways. If you don’t somehow change your ideas and ways, which are what really underlie any health problem, then you are not really going to get healthier.

Consider this contrast.

Earlier this year I first talked with two people, both of whom had been diagnosed with als, a health problem involving progressive degeneration of motor neurons. Also, for both of them the picture has had an additional complicating aspect, the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium involved in the creation of so called Lyme Disease.

One of the two people has a sister who is professionally involved in the wellness field. Not only has he had extensive help and advice from her and her healing center colleagues, but also he has been working with others, and he has been using all kinds of seemingly sophisticated, heavy duty methods to solve his health problem.

The other guy, over the same period of time, has mostly just been working on changing his ideas and ways, and as part of that does regular meditation.

The result?

While the first guy, using all those resources and methods, is now much sicker than he was a year ago, is having trouble speaking, and wonders if he can heal at all, the second guy, just by changing his ideas and his ways, has seen improvement in all areas of his life, including his physical health, and has returned to work.

The same thing holds and similar examples can be found whatever the health problem may be.

There are always reasons, factors and patterns, that underlie the creation of a problem, and when a person’s diet, emotional patterns, mindset, beliefs, life strategies or any other aspect of the person’s life is somehow involved in the creation of sickness, in order for the person to heal, these things needs to truly change.

So while methods like massage, medical marijuana, hyperbaric oxygen, herbal treatments, antibiotics, radiation and reflexology might have their value and may help in some way, the real thing that matters is changing ideas and ways, and if you want to heal, you need to ask yourself how your ideas and ways are changing and how those changes are going to make you healthier.

Does Mountain Dew cause als? Well, in a way the answer is yes.

I keep seeing people arrive at this blog by searching on the question “Does Mountain Dew cause ALS?” At first I thought it was because I had mentioned Mountain Dew in a post on preventing als. Now I am wondering if others are seeing the Mountain Dew, als connection. So here’s what I have seen and my take on Mountain Dew and als.

When working with someone to help him or her heal, I generally start by talking about basic things that could be contributing to the health problems the person is experiencing. It’s a good way to get a person thinking and to find some easy changes that can be made to improve a situation.

So, a few years ago, during this process, a guy diagnosed with als told me that prior to starting to notice the nerve problems, among other things he had been drinking about sixty, yup, sixty ounces of Mountain Dew a day. That’s five cans or three twenty ounce bottles of the stuff every day. Wow. So anyway, he had been stressed out in multiple ways and, beyond staying high on sugar and caffeine, not taking good care of himself, and sure enough his nerves had started to break down and he was so called diagnosed with so called als.

Soon after that, I was talking with another guy diagnosed with als and I happened to ask him,”By the way, do you drink Mountain Dew?” He told me, “Yes. I love the stuff.”

Around that time I met with another guy diagnosed with als, and during the meeting I asked him if he drank Mountain Dew. The answer was “Yes”, and sure enough there in the kitchen was a case of it, next to a case of, I think it was, Coke. He too had been stressed in multiple ways around the time he had started noticing nerve problems, and had not been sleeping well for months.

I have seen other cases where Mountain Dew and other caffeine containing beverages seem connected to neurodegeneration, and, while it does not add up to a whole lot of data and I have not done a huge amount of research into the Mountain Dew, als connection, I am sure that Mountain Dew can be a factor in the creation of the problem known as als.

Here’s the thing. Als is really just really poor nerve health. So anything that’s not good for one’s nerves is going to factor into the creation of the cascading neurodegeneration known as als. So consider this.

Sugar, plenty of which is found in Mountain Dew, can help foster internal inflammation, which is part of neurodegeneration. While I have heard that small amounts of caffeine may have some benefit for some people somehow, continual intake of huge amounts of caffeine and sugar, using this high to remain on the go constantly, and sleeping poorly sounds like a great way to keep one’s nerves overexcited and stressed, which once again sounds like a great way to create als. Also, do the in some countries banned artificial color and the brominated vegetable oil in Mountain Dew have some specific qualities that contribute to neurodegeneration? That’s possible too. For instance, tremors, convulsions and breathing difficulty are associated with ingestion of bromide. In addition, there are other ways drinking Mountain Dew can figure into the creation of als.

Also, if a person is willing to drink artificially colored, caffeine laden, genetically modified corn syrup filled stuff day in and day out, it seems likely that the person is not being careful in other ways, in which case, in addition to being a factor in the creation of so called als, drinking Mountain Dew is an indicator of lack of awareness of how to maintain health.

Is drinking some Mountain Dew enough to create cascading neurodegeneration? Maybe. Maybe not. Even the guy who was drinking sixty ounces a day had going on in his life a host of  als creating things, such as relationship issues, use of disconnection strategies and military service related trauma. So his Mountain Dew consumption was just part of the als creation picture. My guess is that for most people most of the time, as harmful as Mountain Dew might be to their health, they are not going to experience als just because they drink some. Still, it can be a contributing factor, and in general drinking it is probably not a good idea.

So there’s my answer to that Mountain Dew causing als question. I guess I should be glad that one or two servings of Mountain Dew was enough for me to decide not to have any more. Maybe reading this post will be enough for others to decide the same thing.

Diagnosed With So Called ALS? Just To Be Clear, There’s No Such Thing.

There’s a story out there, one that involves people being diagnosed, as they say, with this thing called ALS. “You have ALS,” they are told, a so called incurable disease with no known cause. The only thing is there’s a big problem with this story. There’s no such thing as ALS.

“Hey, but wait.” you might say. “People are getting weaker, and what about the genes that people say cause ALS to run in families? Surely there must be something going on.”

Yup, something is going on. People are getting weaker and genes are doing things. The thing is that ALS is not doing it. ALS cannot do anything.  There is no ALS attacking people or striking randomly. There is nothing called ALS that one can find using a microscope. People do not “have” ALS. ALS does not really exist.

Here’s what’s really going on.

People have nerve health problems and those nerve health problems look similar. The people’s nervous systems are deteriorating in a cascading fashion, often rather quickly. So someone came up with a name for those nerve problems that look similar, the name ALS. So that’s all ALS is, a name.

So this ALS, this name, is not causing anything. Rather, people’s nerves are deteriorating for many reasons and each story is a little different.

Some people’s nerves go partly because they never give themselves a break, instead choosing to keep going and going, using caffeine and whatever else to keep up the pace until their systems break down. Lou Gehrig’s case is a good example of this. Others have been exposed to substances or have been eating things that somehow figure into the destruction of their nerves. Maybe that’s why there seems to be a link between smoking and neurodegeneration. Certain types of ideas and mental patterns tend to figure in, people repress emotional stuff to the point where their systems no longer function and relationship issues and other forms of stress tend to be involved as well. Generally, there is some combination of things going on.

So there is not really a fast paced form or slower paced form of ALS. There is no ALS for there to be a form of. The reason some people’s nerves degenerate faster than do others’ is that the factors in and patterns of their lives are making their nerves degenerate faster.

Genes, proteins, mitochondria or other little biological things are not causing ALS. Sure biology is involved whenever something happens to a person’s body. That does not mean that these things are causing it. All that’s going on is that biological things are happening because of the stress and other factors and patterns which truly underlie the neurodegeneration.

While people may be struggling or feel that they are fighting various forces to stay well, they are not exactly fighting ALS. There is not really any such entity to fight. Similarly, while people may be surviving through all kinds of problems, there are not exactly ALS survivors. There is not exactly ALS to survive.

What is really going on is that people so called diagnosed with so called ALS just have nerve health problems that are created by the way they and those around them have been living, and that’s good news.

It’s very good news, because what people can create, they can change, and so people directly or interpersonally experiencing so called ALS can change things for the better. By changing what they do, how they think, what they eat, how they handle emotional issues and in general by changing how they live, they can change things so that they heal.

Stem Cells – Never Going To Save You From Yourself

This thing about stem cells has been going on for a while now. Some people are against embryonic stem cell research, while others say that that stance is foolish as the research is a path to finding cures. Others say similar things can be done with stem cells from sources other than embryos.

Whatever their side on that debate, many feel that stem cell research will lead to better health for many, with ways of solving diseases like Parkinson’s, als, multiple sclerosis and diabetes on the way.

I say, don’t be ridiculous.

I mean sure, there are things people can already do with stem cells, and as time goes there will more methods that are useful somehow.

All the same, what you can be certain of is that people cannot really attain wellness by using stem cells, no matter how much research is done.


Because wellness is a lifestyle thing, a choices thing, a long term thing, something people attain or not because of how they live, day to day and minute to minute.

Let’s take multiple sclerosis, for instance.

Multiple sclerosis is really all about repressed emotions, internal imbalances and other physical issues created by people.

What this means is that you can throw all the stem cells you want at the problem and if the person experiencing the problem keeps doing those same things and creating the same issues that person is going to keep experiencing multiple sclerosis.

The same goes for any form of illness.

Now I will concede, that maybe somehow once a person changes the way he or she is living, somehow stem cells could be used to repair the damage done.  Even here though, there are better ways to accomplish things.

Also, consider this. Life works in parallels. Steal from others and somehow you are stealing from yourself. Hurt others and somehow you are hurting yourself. So, while I am not sure what the parallel is for chop up a partly formed baby and inject yourself with the pieces, I am sure there is a parallel and it’s not something you want to learn about the hard way.

So whatever your stance is on stem cell research, whatever way you might be pinning your hopes on it, whether that means looking for future breakthroughs or traveling today to far off lands for injections, you can be sure of one unchanging thing. If you want to be healthy, you need to take responsibility and live in a wellness creating way. Your health is up to you and no amount of stem cell research can save you from yourself.

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