The Basics Of Solving ALS

Ok, people are coming to this blog seeking to find ways to solve als and get healthier, so I am going to quickly summarize some of the key things involved in solving, healing from, or curing als, and maybe edit this post over time to tighten it up and make it more complete.

First thing to understand. What is called als is just poor nerve health. The issue is characterized by the neurons and related cells freaking out and not working well together and so the cells die and the nerves stop working. As a result there is reduced signal to muscles.

So solving als involves getting the neurons and other cells to calm down and work better.

Any positive step you take will help.

So one step anyone can take to improve health in any part of one’s body is improve nutrition, in other words add things to one’s diet to make it more supportive of good health. I am not going to go into detail on this here. There are plenty of nutritionists who have much to offer on this subject. Some resources that one could use for this aspect of solving als are the work of Craig Oster, Steven Shackel’s website and the Deanna Protocol. I am sure one could find endless others.

Another step one can take is to remove things from one’s diet that would hurt nerves. Pretty simple. There are plenty of things that are called food that nobody has any business putting in their bodies, from gum that’s just chemicals to diet soda to processed meat to artificially colored and flavored sports drinks. To some degree everyone knows what’s not healthy to eat. Well solving als partly involves not eating that stuff any more. Very simple. Never should have eaten it in the first place. It’s pretty much guaranteed to make you sick. Also, the diets recommended by some als focused organizations, that say eat anything to keep weight on, from bacon to ice cream, that’s somewhat of a bad idea. While keeping weight on might be a good idea, to do so, eat high calorie foods that are actually basically good for you, such as nuts, avocados and coconut oil, among other things.

Next, als is partly a trigger response cycle. The neurons are triggered by something and they respond by freaking out. Then they trigger each other and they freak out more. This also goes for any genes involved. Things can trigger genes to do things that hurt one’s health. The trigger response aspect of als is addressed two ways. Of of them is reduce triggers. The other is change responses.

Reducing triggers can involve reducing exposure to anything that could trigger neurons to freak out or genes to do damaging things. This can include eating only organically grown or no spray grown food. Pesticides can trigger, so no pesticides. It also can mean like no deodorant, using fragrance free natural detergent to clean clothes and all kinds of other things that you can think of. No Febreeze, no car freshener, no toxic paint fumes, no living across the street from an orange grove where they spray pesticides, no new carpet smell, on and on. Another possible one is vaccines, which in some cases seem to trigger neuroinflammation, and certain medications seem to contribute to issues as well. So by reducing triggers you can do much to stabilize your nerve health. One possible resource for learning about this is the work of Eric Edney. If you are going to buy a book, I recommend an ebook as that’s better for the planet and does not involve cutting down a tree which could be someone’s home.

The other side of solving trigger response cycles is changing responses. This is done by changing yourself. People’s cells respond to triggers the way the people do. People who freak out have cells that freak out. People who attack have cells that attack. So to change the response side, you change the way you respond. I could write a book on this. I have written something called ALS Explained and Solved which discusses this in more depth. You can also look into the growing body of work on reducing inflammation via meditation and things like that. All these things are basically methods for changing the way your body, which is directed by you, responds to triggers.

As long as we are talking about mind stuff, there is much more to be done in this area. I have talked with many hundreds of people diagnosed with als and they have tended to have certain psychological issues in common, and yes having these things going on can make one sick. Put it this way, if a person hates herself on some level, it makes sense that that would eventually make her sick. Guilt and shame do it too. Thinking one is not good enough is another thing that can contribute to the creation of als. Being very fearful is another. So to heal, one has to address these types of self destructive thought patterns and self images.

Overall, there is another reason people get sick and this has to be addressed too. Part of the reason people get sick is because on some level they are sick to solve some problems in their lives. While being sick does not really solve things, on some level one can believe it does, without even realizing that one feels this way. Often people who experience motor neuron health issues have real problems with relationships or their work or something and one way out or to relieve stress related to these things is to get sick. So this can be a huge contributor to health problems. In other words, a person can eat in a pretty healthy way and do other things to be healthy and still get super sick if he has real problems with the way things are going in his life or if she feels totally out of control. Solving this type of psycholgical, often unconscious, problem, can take a lot of work, and it may make sense to get help from professionals such as psychotherapists or hypnotherapists, who can help you learn to find and change what is going on.

So those are the basics of solving als. I have also heard of people helping themselves along the way with such things as hyperbaric oxygen, glutathione injections, ozone tents, high dosage methylcobalamin(not cyanocobalamin!!!), homeopathy and other such treatments and protocols. These things can help one stabilize. At the same time, one really needs to deal with the basics. Put it this way. One could be injected with the greatest magic bullet thing ever and if one still hates one’s self, or eats toxic food, or does not get certain nutrients, one could still make one’s nerves very unhealthy.

So if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with als, get to work. Everything you change, every positive move you make, every choice you improve, gets you somewhat healthier. Do enough and beyond solving als you can become healthier than you may have ever though possible.

Seven Simple Steps To Take To Begin To Solve ALS And Heal

Many people diagnosed with so called als, or motor neuron disease, get the impression that there is not much they can do about it other than hope someone somewhere finds a medical cure or treatment. That impression is utterly incorrect. The cascading neurodegeneration generally called als is just poor nerve health and is always caused by things that can be changed.

While it can take some learning and work for a person diagnosed with als to get healthier, logic dictates that if you do things to improve your health, your health will be better than it would have been. Do a little, and your health will be a little better. Do a lot, and your health will be much better.

I have seen this in case after the case, with people who do anything to make their lives healthier generally seeing some kind of results.

Knowledge is power and is also the cure for als. So here are some steps a person diagnosed with als can take to start to change what is going on and heal.

1. Reduce triggers.

The neurodegeneration aspect of als can in a way be seen as a trigger response cycle, meaning that something triggers neurons’ freaking out and nerves’ degenerating. What this means is that one thing you can do to get that to happen way less or basically not at all is reduce the triggers.

Things that trigger neuron freak out include pesticides, heavy metals, often from mercury amalgam tooth fillings, lawn chemicals, chemicals in detergent and household cleaners, chemicals in shampoo, chemicals in body wash and deodorant, vaccines, sugar, chemicals in processed meats, monosodium glutamate or msg, artificial flavors and colors in food, paint fumes, spinal anesthesia, certain medications and myriad other things. Basically anything that you suspect may be hard on your system in some way is likely to somehow get your neurons to freak out.

So reducing triggers means reducing your exposure to or ingestion of these things, by having metal fillings replaced, one or two at a time maybe, with ceramic ones, by eating organically or no spray raised food, by using soaps and detergents that are made with natural ingredients or have no dyes or fragrances added, by refraining from using body washes and minimizing or refraining from the use of deodorant, and basically by using some common sense, and maybe some advice from people at your local natural market, to significantly change how you have been living.

2. Learn to keep your internal cool and be fearless.

Much of what drives nerves to break down is emotional stress and fear. So learning to keep your emotional cool can do much to solve als and keep you healthy.

This is not just about keeping your cool externally either. You need to learn to really keep your cool internally. A calm person has calm nerves and calm nerves will tend to be healthy nerves.

One way to learn to do this is by learning about and practicing mindfulness meditation, through which one can achieve many things including reducing nerve damaging inflammation. You can learn all about mindfulness meditation and its effects by doing an internet search. You may also be able to find people locally who can help you learn how to do it.

3. Learn about people who are succeeding In solving health problems diagnosed as als.

There is much misinformation about this type of health problem and much of it centers on the idea that it is somehow unsolvable with current knowledge. While this is utterly incorrect and you may be aware that it is incorrect, you, and others around you, are being bombarded with misinformation, and that can affect your conscious or unconscious outlook.

So by reading about or watching videos about or talking with people who are solving the problem, you can make sure you are getting the right messages, not to mention ideas on what to do to solve the problem and heal.

Once way you can find information on people who are solving als is by clicking here to get to an ALS Solved Stories blog post.

4. Get some rest and fresh air.

Much of what underlies neurodegeneration involves stress and strain and overwork. It is amazing how many people I talk with who are diagnosed with als and are still running around like chickens with their heads cut off, working non stop, endlessly running errands, even having their houses redone.

I tell you what, I have also talked with plenty who say how much better and more energetic they feel after a good night’s sleep.

So chill out, take a deep breath, take some time to smell the flowers and don’t be so worried about having a great dinner menu and a new floor when your relatives come for the weekend.

5. Learn to be patient and non judgmental.

Want to be sick? Here’s a sure way. Stress over everything, get worked up all the time, be impatient and judgmental, and freak out over things people do.

Guess what. People who are judgmental about what others do are also judgmental when it comes to themselves, and this can even be exacerbated by the difficulties related to nerve health problems. This is turn can make the nerve health problems even worse.

Want to be healthy? Chill out and be accepting, calm and patient.

6. Improve your diet.

You know all that stuff you kinda realize is not so good for you, things like diet soda, orange corn and cheese snacks, fast food, cheap sugary candy, bacon, energy drinks, that fourth cup of coffee, sugary cereal and things like that? Well you’re right. It’s not.

So if you are eating that stuff, it’s time to change by substituting it with healthier things like clean water, organic apple slices, bananas, juice, tree nuts, healthier meals, olive oil and other things which you kinda realize are much better for you.

I realize you may have heard that people so called diagnosed with als are better off eating a high calorie diet. Fine. That does not have to be an unhealthy Oreos, bacon and ice cream diet. Nuts have plenty of calories and actually have other benefits for nerves. Fruit, including avocados, and other foods can have many calories and be packed with nutrition. So you can easily go for both high calorie and healthy.

7. Communicate and resolve issues.

I sometimes call als the disease of disconnection and escape. Even Lou Gehrig was known to give his wife the silent treatment and refuse to communicate for long periods of time.

Of course, doing this kind of thing can actually make things more stressful, and that in turn is bad for nerve health.

Also, unresolved issues can be sources of stress and other problems.

So, key to being healthy is communicating and resolving issues, with people around you, with people who are working with you to help you heal, with relatives, friends, neighbors, you name it.

Communicate and resolve.

So there’s a list to start with, and by doing these things and by learning and doing other healing things, you can heal yourself and your life.

Want ALS solved stories? Here are some, and there are more happening all the time.

People are constantly hearing that so called als is termed incurable, and still they search for  healed of als or cured of als stories, als survivors and “als miracles”.

Well, the people doing those searches are onto something, and you don’t need a miracle, to solve, survive, or “cure” als. As with any health problem, solving nerve health problems so called diagnosed as als just takes changing your ideas and ways and doing the work it takes to get yourself healthy. In other words, instead of waiting for a miracle or a cure for als, people can solve the problem themselves, and many have done so.

In many places, they don’t even use the term als. They just call it motor neuron disease, which sounds less like some entity attacking people and more like heart disease or something else that people realize is just a health problem that can be solved by making the right choices and adjustments.

Knowledge is power and it’s also the cure for als.

So, by following these links you can find stories of people who have done well at healing themselves, or curing als naturally, and you can find inspiration and information that you can use to heal yourself, as more people are doing all the time.

Steven Shackel

extensive website with detailed description of his holistic approach to solving als

Craig Oster


facebook page

news story video

Evy McDonald

article by her

article about her

Eric Edney

article on what he did to heal

Dawn McCrea

website on which provides detailed description and explanation of the strategies she is using to heal

Bernardo Pinto Coelho

beautiful video of his healing process

Kim Cherry

website where he discusses what he has been doing and the results he has been getting

Mark Kully (diagnosed with motor neuron disease)

message board about him

Theresa Lee

blog post of her discussion of what she did

Sarah Ezekiel

video in which, among other things, she discusses her understanding of why her health has stabilized

Wendy Moore (nerve health problems are connected with high stress jobs like hers)

video showing how instead of retreating into fear and anxiety, she decided to pray and heal

David Atkinson

description of what he did to heal

Nelda Buss

tv segment showing how she was healed via energy work

Ben Johnson

blog post on what he did to heal

Butch Machlan

description of what he has done and the results he has gotten

Carol Jensen

Derek Swinnard

video in which Carol, Derek and others talk about solving als

Rajendra Thaker

video in which he discusses his experience with mnd diagnosis and healing


video in which she talks about her experience healing via dealing with emotions related to childhood trauma and fear

How I Solved The ALS Puzzle

Back in the nineties, last century, my wife was jamming all this stuff about healing down my throat. She would talk about energy healing, natural medicine, shamanism, chakras, you name it, and I would just sit and listen, and blow off all of it, which I lumped together and called “the cult of doom.” I knew the real deal, genes and biology are destiny and things like the allergies I was suffering with were going to continue one way or another until someone figured out how to fix genes.

At a certain point that all began to change and one of the key things was that I was able to use holistic and mind body methods to solve my allergy problem. That was cool.

What it took to solve the allergies was find and change ideas, unconscious desires and choices I was making consciously and unconsciously. As soon as I found and changed the things that underlied the allergies, the problem was solved.

Then another key thing happened. I called someone I hadn’t seen in a long time and he told me he was suffering with multiple sclerosis and was worried about it being genetic and his kids suffering with it too. I thought of how I had solved the allergy problem I was experiencing and figured that probably the same methods I had used would work to solve the health problems he was having.

So we got to work and sure enough patterns in his life and the way he operated showed up, things that would logically create something like ms. We worked on changing what we found and after a while he told me the progression seemed to have stopped. It was really no surprise. We had found the multiple sclerosis creating patterns and changed them. Naturally things changed.

So I changed occupations, pretty much immediately, from focusing on finance related activities to focusing on helping people heal.

I helped more people solve multiple sclerosis and helped others solve problems involving cancer, Lyme disease, diabetes and other health issues.

In every single case, we did the same thing, worked holistically, finding factors, ideas and ways of operating that would logically create the problems and finding that once we changed those things, the problems became solved.

It was exciting and also in a way perplexing. I mean I had understood that these types of health problems were caused by genes and other biological factors and yet there we were solving them without really being concerned about those types of factors. It was not until later that I developed a clearer understanding of how to resolve the conflicts between what we experiencing and more conventional ideas.

Anyway, for me it was not such a big deal when a couple of years ago I contacted someone experiencing als to suggest that he too could heal. I knew it would go the same way.

I started working with him and some other people experiencing als and sure enough the expected patterns, factors, ideas and ways showed up immediately. We worked on changing what we found and soon we were seeing positive results,  improved relationships, improved functioning, people healing their lives and solving als.

So that’s pretty much the deal. I learned a while ago that life problems are always created and that, while healing takes work and can be challenging and excruciatingly painful at times, by changing the factors and patterns underlying the creation of a situation, a person can always solve things and heal. Just as with everything else I have worked on, problems involving als have fit this paradigm, are eminently solvable and are on the way to becoming a memory.

Als, no cures? Yeah right.

When I first started working with people diagnosed with als, I heard, as anyone might, that supposedly nobody has survived als and healed.

It’s pretty common for a person to ask upon diagnosis, “Well are there any miracles, any people who survive this?” and get the answer that there are not.

Without much looking though, I quickly ran into a story about a guy who had been diagnosed with als and then changed his life and had his health stabilize.

So at my initial presentation to the ALS Association, one thing I said was that when someone is looking with the right attitude, stories like that would turn up, and sure enough many have.

First of all there are the outspoken people like Craig Oster, Evy McDonald, Steven Shackel, Nelda Buss, Wendy Moore and David Atkinson, all of whom have done much to make public their successes in solving als.

Then there are others you can notice by reading between the lines. In one case, a blog says that a person’s relatives all expected her to die years ago, and here she still is doing pretty well. Another example is someone who is out there raising funds to support lab research, but wait a minute, a little looking turns up the fact that he has done some inner work and his health has actually been stable for years. Hmm.

Finally there are those you can find out about by talking with people, such as a guy who, I was told had, changed his lifestyle and is still going to his kid’s soccer games seventeen years later, and a guy who used hynotherapy and has completely stabilized and volunteers at the ALS Association eight years after he started experiencing problems.

People who have solved als are all over the place. You just have to look, unlike the person who told me he had “researched this thing to death” and yet had somehow missed a widely discussed als solved story that I mentioned to him.

So next time someone tells you that thing about nobody surviving or solving als, see if that person has even heard of any of these people. If the person does not even want to hear about these stories, well then you know why the person still believes the no cures myth.