Using Soft, Conscious Visualization To Heal

Soft, or conscious, visualization is one of the most effective healing techniques around. Here’s how it is different from what I call hard visualization, and how you can use it to heal.

Many people have heard of and used visualization to accomplish a variety of things such as achieving athletic feats or growing businesses, and one thing they use visualization to attain is improved health.

The type of visualization I see people doing most of the time is what I call hard visualization. In using hard visualization, a person imagines an outcome, often in detail, and in this way sets himself or herself up psychologically or energetically to make the outcome manifest, almost forcing it to happen.

There are, however, significant problems with hard visualization.

It’s not that hard visualization does not work. It may work. At the same time, even if hard visualization does in a way work, it may not generate optimal results.

Here’s why.

Hard visualization may propel an outcome and at the same time it does not really address issues impeding the manifestation of that outcome, and hard visualization does not itself do anything to restructure one’s life overall so that that outcome fits in nicely.

In other words, the use of hard visualization can be a way to seek to basically ram an outcome through, and among other things one using this method can break other things in the process.

For instance, a person might use hard visualization to get more money. Sure enough, the person may end up with a bunch of money, only to experience new problems. What would have happened is that rather than addressing issues that were causing problems in the person’s life, the person just rammed through the more money outcome. So while the person now has more money, for what that’s worth, the person has not really solved things.

So a better method is needed.

The better method is soft or conscious visualization.

The idea of soft visualization is to use visualization to find, or become conscious of, the not so obvious obstacles to the manifestation of a desire, and to gently resolve things so that the desire manifests, and does so without blasting the rest of one’s life to pieces.

Here’s how you do it.

You visualize an outcome, and, rather than seeking to force it to happen, as you visualize the outcome you consider what you think of and how you really feel about that outcome. The purpose of this is to find what psychospiritual obstacles to that outcome you may be harboring. Then to get the outcome to manifest, you somehow resolve the issues blocking that’s happening and gently change things so that that outcome, or possibly a better outcome related to it, fits you and your life.

So for instance, a person having health issues would visualize being healthier, and see what comes up. Something will come up, and that will be a clue to why the person is sick and will be an issue to resolve to heal.

For instance a person visualizing being healthier may suddenly feel very angry about something. So that anger is related to the health problem, and to heal the person needs to do something about that anger and issues related to the anger, rather than repressing it all by being sick.

In other words, the person was angry, and instead of healing the situation, the person got sick. So now, even just by visualizing being healthier, the person essentially goes back to being angry and healthier. Now, being more aware of how these things work, the person somehow does something about the anger and heals the situation and then no longer has that whole thing underlying disease.

Alternatively, when visualizing being healthier the person could feel afraid, or sad.

Thoughts could also come up. Maybe when visualizing health, the person will think something like “That would be boring” or “But then I would have to go back to the job I hated” or “I am learning so much by being sick”. So here again the soft visualization has brought up factors or issues that are keeping the person sick and that are blocking progress toward better health. In order to get healthier, the person has to resolve these conflicts somehow, work things out within. For instance, now that the job thing has come up, the person could consider what it’s all about and maybe consider a career change. If the person thinks health is boring, he or she could consider why that might be and do something about that idea, resolve the inner conflict somehow.

So soft visualization can be used to bring up the hidden, less conscious stuff that is making and keeping a person sick, so that the person can do something about that stuff and heal.

I use this method constantly, to heal myself and others, and it works super well.

Someone Always Talking “Incurable”, And It’s Never Really True.

Ok. I can see it with so called ALS, a health problem I have been working on a lot lately. While a person so called diagnosed with ALS can solve the problem and heal, I can see why someone might get, or fall for, the incorrect idea that it’s incurable with any currently available method. For one thing, the mainstream organizations involved with so called ALS say this incurable thing constantly. For another, solving it can take a fair amount of knowledge and work.

The same could possibly be said for other problems, such as those called multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. While all are solvable, a huge proportion of people believe otherwise, and solving them can be challenging. So I can see why someone would fall for the incurable story there too.

Check this out though.

I had been bitten by a tick or something and so I started reading up on so called Lyme disease, and guess what. There it was again. While some were talking about what they had done to solve health problems so called diagnosed as Lyme disease, there was someone going on and on about how it’s “incurable”. Huh? This is just little old Lyme disease we are talking about, and while I realize some people so called diagnosed with Lyme disease experience chronic health problems, many do succeed in solving the problem and never again have Lyme disease related health issues. All the same, someone was maintaining that it’s “incurable”.

Same thing with diabetes. On a diabetes related discussion board and other places, I saw some were talking about what they were doing to solve the problem, both types, while one or two people were insisting nothing could be done. What?? Nothing to be done about diabetes even? Even the mainstream news has stories about people doing things about diabetes. Still somehow someone shows up saying otherwise.

I bet for every health problem, right alongside people talking about how to solve it one can find people who insist that can’t be done.

Why do people do this, even when information indicating the contrary is right there in front of them?

For a variety of reasons, such as these.

Some shy away from the idea that they are somehow responsible for the health problems they are experiencing. Others are addicted to their or someone else’s being sick and are terrified to think that they could heal. Others seem to enjoy playing expert by repeating what they have read somewhere or been told. Some who do medical research basically get paid to look for cures for the incurable and would much rather believe and promote the “currently incurable” point of view. Others seem to like the drama of the whole incurable thing, and there are plenty of other reasons people talk this nonsense.

Meanwhile, in close to twenty years of being involved in solving disease problems, I have never ever seen one that is not solvable. I have seen people solve cancer, autoimmune issues, allergies, infection types of problems, neurological problems, digestive problems, learning issues, all kinds of supposedly incurable stuff, and other problems that one supposedly one cannot solve just by changing diet or working holistically somehow. Even in the cases of health problems I have not yet seen solved, as soon as I look into them, I start finding clues to what to do about them.

So if, or when, you hear a story about something being “incurable”, don’t fall for it, and if you are being affected by some supposedly incurable health problem, do what I have seen many do successfully. Assume there is a way, or are ways, to solve the problem and start looking for them. Look into one thing after another. Look for people who say they have solved similar problems and find out what they did. Look and look and work and work until you too have figured out how to heal and once again demonstrated that where there is a will there is a way.